Thursday, July 19, 2007


Yesterday was a busy adoption information day on many topics. Let’s see - I managed to bombard our agency’s email groups with not one, but two questions about traveling. I also managed to make two appointments concerning the adoption – the first with an International Adoption Doctor (IAD) located only 30 minutes away from us at a well known University, the second with a local pediatrician who also has some experience working with internationally adopted children. The appointments are in mid-August and early September, but I was glad to get them set up and out of the way. Those poor doctors aren’t going to know what hit them when I walk in with a million and one questions for them!!

One can never feel too prepared. At least that’s what I have been thinking. Of course I just know the moment I lay eyes on our son, I’m sure all my questions will fly out the window. Good thing we have a list from our agency of questions to ask. Thank goodness for those lists!!

Well, I’m off for a couple of days to visit with two of my college hallmates. We are spread out by about 3 hours each so the northern friend is picking me up and then we are traveling to our southernmost friend. Hopefully I’ll make it back without the three of us having gotten into too much trouble!! Troy said he wouldn’t hold his breath!! (We’re adults now right?!?!)


Carey and Norman said...

I would love to talk sometime about your choice for an international adoption doctor. I've talked with Becky through e-mail and we are considering using the one she chose in Alabama. I wanted to talk with some people in Nashville first since it would be much closer for us to travel with our child upon return to the states.

I've got to learn how to add my e-mail link to my blog site. I'll work on that and hopefully have that fixed when you return. Have fun on your vacation with your friends.

Becky and Keith said...

Hmmm... you have a list with questions for the pediatrician? I had no idea you had such a list! :-) HAHAHA! Just kidding dear! Hope you have a great, relaxing and if you run wild, please do some running for me too! I could use a wild moment or two. My email is going to be so boring tomorrow.... ;-)

Amy said...

I remember going to our peds dr before I went to Russia for my two. I wanted to make sure I felt comfortable with him and he with chidlren from Russia. It was a perfect fit!!! Keep adding to your list of questions. Bubby has his 5 year wellness next week and I have about 5 questions for the doctor about him.
Enjoy your weekend!!! This may be your last chance (he he he)

Allison said...

Sounds like you're are moving right along. It's a great idea to do these things ahead of time - I just wish I could get half as motivated as you are. Just the thought of anymore appointments or paperwork makes me want to crawl in my bed with a pint of icecream.
Have a great time on your girls weekend!

Jane said...

Hi Rachael,

Thanks for peaking at my blog, I am enjoying reading yours, haven't read it it all yet, but I will. It's nice to "meet" you!

Ryan and Amy said...

Hi Rachel - good job getting your interview done with the IAD...and thanks for the reminder that I need to get on that. You are going to be happy you're so prepared! Hope you had a very fun weekend!