Hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween!! We sure did. We started off the day by carving our pumpkin and then that night Daniel dressed up as a pirate. We've been watching Peter Pan and reading several Peter Pan books and we thought iot would be a great idea. I found a kit for Captain Jack Sparrow and Troy painted an old sweatshirt and ta da! we had a little pirate on our hands.
The first house we went to he yelled "knock, knock, knock" at the door instead of knocking and when the gentleman opened the door, Daniel barged right into the house. Thankfully I was able to grab the back of his shirt and stop him on the second try. The fellow thought it was hysterically funny and then said "Come on in!" They were neighbors of my mom's thankfully!
After that he got the hang of not going inside the houses, but he always wanted to take the candy from the people's hands and not let them drop it into the bucket. A few more houses and he got that down as well. Finally we laughed when at two different houses they held their bowls out and Daniel grabbed huge handfuls. The people were good sports, and let him have all the candy he could grab. Maybe next time they hold the bowl out to a 3 year old, they'll think twice!!
Oh and it's no longer "trick or treat". It's "Trick or Treatin'" as that is what Daniel said at every door, along with "Aargh Matey!". People got a kick out of him!
When we were almost done with our circle, Daniel handed me his bucket and said "I'm too tired to do anymore." So home we went. A good trick or treat night and a nice haul of candy - couldn't ask for more! 
Oh my goodness, Daniel is adorable in that costume! We, too, had confusion about going into people's houses. Ahh, to be a small child on Halloween!
He's absolutely adorable! Great costume matey!
Ahoy Matey!!! Great pirate costume, he looks so cute. And you pumpkin doesn't look too shabby either. Sounds like your Halloween was fun and sweet.
Do you know what a pirate's favorite place to eat is?
Sorry, couldn't resist.
He is adorable as usual and that is a great pumpkin!
Sounds like you ALL had fun.
Loved hearing about the door to door experience! : ) I'm sure he gave great joy and laughs at all the houses he went to!
Awesome costume matey! It's great that we get to see his cute face under those pirate dreadlocks.
He is too funny! I love the costume!! I also loved your pumpkin patch post, looks like ya'll had a great time! :)
It sounds like Daniel had a great Halloween, what a cute pirate!
Dima has been saying a line from the Jonah movie (Veggie Tales), "Argh! Antsies in the pantsies!" ??? He would've dug Daniel's costume for sure! Love the pumpkin!
What a great costume and I LOVE the pumpkin... great job Dad!!!
Great pumpkin! Great Pirate! And great comment about being done! Too cute!
What a cute pirate and a great pumpkin, too! Sounds like you all had a lot of fun! Ashley tried to go in the first house, too, and got so mad and started crying when I picked her up. We just have little socializers on our hands, don't we?! Glad you had a fun Halloween!!!
Sounds like a fun Halloween and I love his costume. I envy those with the pumpkin carving skills. Those triangle eyes and jagged smiles are all I can do.
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