Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas Joy
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Under the Weather and Bad/Good Behavior
Needless to say in the waiting room a lady approached me to say how much Daniel looked like me. I almost laughed, but I don't feel like I need to tell everyone Daniel's back story, so I simply smiled and played along and said, "If you think he looks like me, you should see my husband and him together." I thought that was end of it until she started asking me if he was born with black hair, like mine, and if it was lightening up now or vice versa. Well, hmmm...I wasn't sure quite what to say so I said a vague "umm humm" to which it did not really answer her question. I quickly changed the subject to other topics and that was that.
The pediatrician said Daniel's ears were cloudy, but not infected, thank goodness, but that he had a pretty good respiratory infection so she gave us an antibiotic and sent us on our way.
Well, the day really began when I took Daniel to fill the prescription. We stopped by my favorite store, CVS. If you don't know why I love CVS, check out my other blog. Anyway, I dropped off the prescription and the lady proceeds to say "Your coming back when?" And I think...Ummm, I'm not coming back. My kiddo is sick and I'm waiting on the prescription. What rubbed me the wrong way was that she assumed I would come back. After I tell her I'm waiting she proceeds to tell me in a frazzled vioce it would be twenty minutes so I started wandering the store with Daniel.
Normally Daniel sits in the front of the cart all strapped in, but because he was feeling bad I let him sit in the back part of the cart and I had brought an electronic book knowing we may have to wait. We are going along nicely when all the sudden Daniel flings his toy to the front of the cart and starts kicking it. I calmly tell him no and move closer to the pharmacy desk to see how busy they were. I noticed the lady was on the phone jabbering away about NON pharmacy stuff. So I sit there and Daniel starts kicking again. I tell him if he kicks again in the back of the cart, he's going to put in the front and strapped in. He knows I mean business. One warning and that's it. My son would, thinks he should and probaly could rule the world at the ripe old age of two. He's incredibly intelligent and very stubborn so he fits right in to the family (def. in the stubborn area!). My mom said I have met my match finally. Anyway he kicks, I pick him up and he goes in the front and he starts crying very, very loudly and bucking against the seatbelt.
Needless to say, this doesn't bother me. Should it? I don't know. I am of the opinion if a child is screaming in a store and the parents are obviously in control then no big deal. All kids throw a fit in a store at some point or another. If the parents are out of control, then it's another story. Well, at this point, the lady is still jabbering away and so I nicely took the cart in front of her register and let Daniel scream and cry and kick right in front of her while I feined interest in chapsticks like I've never seen them before. She finally gets off the phone and then the pharmacist comes out from behind the counter and starts jabbering away about NON pharmacy stuff to someone else. So I gently eased my cart in his direction. Needless to say I got a funny look and then "POOF" my prescription was ready a moment later. When I checked out, Daniel was "all done crying" as he likes to say and we had moved on to looking at a doggie calendar so I looked at and told the lady, "It's not so much fun shopping when you have a little one who's sick." She agreed.
For once I actually apreciated Daniel's little fit! I know - I'm shameless.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Decorating the Tree!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
First Visit with Santa Clause
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Thanksgiving and More
Silly me - I didn't take a single picture. Part of me is thinking how in the world did I not take a photo of Daniel's first Thanksgiving and the other part of me is thinking that I usually don't take Thanksgiving pictures anyway so it's no big deal. I think Daniel was glad to have a break from the camera at least. He even got out his play camera we bought while in Russia and actually played with it telling me to say "cheese"! I think he's figured out he can boss me around when he has a camera in hand. After all, how can I not say cheese, if I expect him to all the time!?!
Speaking of photos, Daniel's daycare did holiday photos a couple of weeks ago and I am looking forward to receving the proofs back from those. One thing we haven't done is have any professional pictures done since we have been home. I felt bad about it until my mother put in her two cents and made me realize that who needed the professional photos when I had about two thousand (and that's no exaggeration!) photos sitting in piles to be scrapbooked in our guest bedroom!
We haven't started decorating for Christmas yet. We have a couple of birthdays to get through first. Once those are over, we'll break out the Christmas tree and other decorations. I have started reading Daniel some books about the birth of Jesus because I want him to understand that we aren't celebrating Christmas for presents and Santa, but for the birthday of Jesus. My mom gave me a pop out book that is the song to "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" which I can sing to and show Daniel the photos. The last photo is of Jesus in the manger with angels above and the animals around Him. Just yesterday when I was getting ready for work, Daniel ran into my bedroom and showed me "Baby Jesus" in the manger. It made my day! Don't worry - we'll still be introducing Daniel to Santa this year and I'm sure Santa will be visiting our house!
Lastly, Troy could use some prayers. He got a severe ear infection about a week ago and had to go to ER Sunday night. His eardrum actually ruptured and the doctors are not sure that he will regain the hearing in his ear back. Sometimes the eardrum can heal spontaneously and other times, not at all. So far, he's not having any luck and is experiencing a ringing in his ear constantly, which is keeping him up at night and is very uncomfortable. We are hoping this pass and that he will able to hear out of the one ear again soon.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Everything Daniel
Daniel has really started to learn his colors. He recognizes blue, green, red, yellow, purple, pink, white, black, brown and gold. We have rings for a ring toss game that we work with while playing. I call out a color, he picks it out and we toss. Great fun. He won't however, look at a color I am holding and tell me what color it is. I think this is still a part of not really understanding when he is being asked a question. I know he can say the colors because when we pass a white truck he will say "white big truck". I think he just still doesn't get the concept that I want him to answer me when I ask him what color it is. We are working on that. The alphabet hasn't progressed much past A, B, C and that's okay for now. We are going to work on that next. I've been focusing on numbers lately by reading a Count with Peter Rabbit book. I knew Dnaiel could count to 3 as of yesterday. He even understands what the numbers mean. He scooped up two pieces of sausage yesterday morning and said "two" to me so I was thrilled with this. Then this morning I had a proud moomy moment. I was driving Daniel to day care and I hear a quiet, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8". I was so excited I said "1" followed by a response from Daniel of "2" all that way up to 10!! Then I had hime say "1" and I responded "2" and so on and so forth to be sure he knew all the numbers. He did it!! I was so proud and excited!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
My New Cousin
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Myrtle Beach Fun
Friday involved playing in the freezing cold water, getting knocked over by a wave, playing in the samd and having a lot of fun on the beach, followed by a rehearsal, trick or treating and a great dinner!
So - I will leave you with pictures of Friday which includes my precious alligator and of course some good looking kids!!
The family shot!
Alligator and Monkey!Being silly!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Meeting with Friends
Future accordian player? Daniel loved this!
Ilya had a good time playing!
Nick and Daniel still checking out the train table!
And just in case you wanted to see the parents...
Monday, October 20, 2008
At the Pumpkin Patch - Number 1
This weekend we ventured out to a local farm for the Pumkin Fest they hold there every year. We had a great time. Daniel took his first hayride and his first walk through a pumpkin patch. The vines were pretty thick so he actually did a lot of falling all over the place and giggling. We took FOREVER to pick out a pumpkin, one for each of us, that even the guy driving the tractor gave up on us and left us to finish up and wait for the next tractor. I think we walked the entire field about three times! Daniel finally settled on a small green pumpkin which I thought was a great addition to the orange one Troy picked and the green and orange one I picked.
Next week we are meeting Meghan and Bill at a different pumpkin patch. I hope to get a nice one there to carve. We are looking forward to meeting them and their precious Nick!!
Oh and at the bottom I am posting a picture of my very first diaper cake that I made for my sister's baby shower. It's not perfect. but I was proud of myself. (I'm not usually so creative!)She's due in about three weeks! We can't wait to see our new nephew! I had fun making it, but it was harder than I thought and next time, I will use wider ribbon. But it was fun and a big hit at the party!
Don't know why that picture turned pink, but there's his pumpkin!
Today, I let Daniel decorate his pumpkin with stickers! Since we'll be carving a different one, I thought this would be fun! He seemed to enjoy it!
And here's the diaper cake. I used 3 bottles of baby washes on the bottom with the little hand mits on the caps. Also in the center of the bottom is a large baby powder to hold the second layer. There are fifty diapers total, the top layer has a large baby oil in the center. There are also four washcloths on the second layer. An elephant on top completes it! I think I'll try it again in the future - also, isn't my sis adorable?!?!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Time Flies
We were escorted to the Russian court and ushered into a bland room with small benches for us to sit on and small tables for the orphanage director, the social worker, the prosecutor, the clerk, and podium for the Judge.
I spoke first talking about our family, our home, our finances, and everything in between. Troy spoke about our jobs, our hobbies, our lives. We were asked many questions. Troy was so quiet and nervous that they had to keep asking him to speak up. Finally in answer to one of the Judge’s questions, Troy simply said “Because we love him.”
After four hours, we were finally announced Daniel’s parents. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the smile plastered on my face. It was one of those you just can’t wipe away and the kind that hurt because you can’t stretch it any farther. I remember looking at the social worker and orphanage director, who we really, really liked, and seeing their big smiles also.
What a day. What a change to our lives and the life of a little boy from Russia. I think that day will always be one of the most remembered and one of the best days of our lives. Daniel is a true joy. He makes us laugh, his personality fits right in with our family. There have been tears and frustration too, but the smiles and laughter far outweigh them.
As an update on attachment I thought I would list a few things that have happened recently.
1. At the library I was sitting counting his jumps on the trampoline when he got off and started toward a table with play-doh. Halfway across the room, he stops suddenly turning, so fast he falls. He gets right up, finds my eyes, and says “Come on, Mama”.
2. We had guests for lunch a couple of weekends ago including his beloved Granny and Grandpa and Troy’s boss. When he was done, he fussed to be out of his chair so I picked him up and sat him in my lap facing away from the company holding him on my shoulder. He actually stayed in that position, laying his head down for a few minutes, letting me hold him, without feeling the need to turn around and be in the middle of the conversation.
3. Daniel and I went to Burger King and after he finished his lunch, instead of the normal, crawl under the table back and forth and see what everyone else was into, he sat down and put his head on my arm and let me hold him against my side while I finished eating.
The last two things are not only good attachment signs since he feels comfortable and secure but they are showing us that Daniel is not as overwhelmed anymore as he initially was when we would take him out. He’s becoming quite the little shopping companion for me (must to Troy’s chagrin) and I love it!!
So without further ado – These are photos I have posted before, but I think they show the real changes we have seen. Here is Daniel six months ago and then today!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The Egg Story
Fast forward a day and my mother and I and Daniel are grocery shopping together. My mother picks up a huge 2 and 1/2 dozen eggs carton and lays them in the cart. Daniel turns to look and I say "Please don't touch those" and I hand him some other things he can hold in the front of the cart. A few minutes later, I leave Daniel with my mom and walk two feet away to a freezer section and my mom walks about a foot away to grab something. I return to the cart (keeping in mind I was only 2 feet away) to see something in my son's hand. It must have taken me 20 full seconds to comprehend what he had. He had an egg and he had punctured a hole in the side, but still managed to have all of it in his hands.
I reached out my hand, like any good mother would do, and said, "Please let me have that." Daniel turns his hand over and pours the cracked egg into mine. I stand there for quite possibly another 20 seconds not believing that I am holding a raw egg in my hand. (I really don't care too much for eggs). By this time my mom is standing there taking it all in. Thankfully instinct (of some sort) kicked in and I ran to the hall where the bathrooms were marked. Well, the first trash can I see is the big trash can in the store's breakroom, which door happened to be opened. So I barge in and drop the raw egg in the trash can. I surprised a lady who quickly pointed out to me that the bathroom was just down the hall. I thanked her and went to wash my hands and get stuff to clean Daniel's hand with.
My mom and I laughed about it once Daniel's hands were cleaned and joked about how we were both standing right there and he still got the egg. My mom said that for some reason she was not meant to eat that egg.
What's even funnier is that there is a Part Two to this story. When we arrived home, my mom put her eggs in my refrigerator while we all had lunch together. When she left, she forgot them. The next day she went by the house to pick up the eggs and drove home. I get an email at work the following day (yesterday) that says:
"You are going to love this !!! I left the doomed eggs in my car til now. They go in the trash. For some reason the Lord does NOT want me to eat them."
My response to her was:
"See, Daniel was only trying to help you out!"
What a good boy I have!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I've Been Tagged!
Six Random things about me:
1. Before I met Troy, I swore I never wanted children. Every time I got around children they seemed to cry. My firends used to tease me about it all the time. Now I can't imagine life without my son and secretly dream of heading back to Russia for another child. Boy things change don't they?
2. I swore I would never watch a realty show and now I'm hooked on Survivor, The Amazing Race, The Bachelor. Even playing in the background now is America's Got Talent. Help me please!!
3. I love animals. I talk to all of them. I even think groundhogs are cute. Troy thinks I'm a nut and rolls his eyes when Daniel sees a groundhog and says hi to it (from the car). He jokingly refers to me as the 'animal whisperer' and asks me not to pass it on to Daniel who he hopes is a hunter like himself. (I do allow deer heads on the wall, but he can't sop me from apologizing to them! It's an interesting mix - an animal lover and a hunter. It's true that opposites attract.)
4. I hate sea food and mayonaisse, but I love tuna fish salad. I know it doesn't make any sense. Is there a law that says everything has to make sense??!!
5. Troy and I met at a party about a year before we met again. I didn't remember him, until he told me who he was. Then he claims I blew him off and went dancing with my friends. The truth is he just stood there so I basically said 'see you later'. I was the one who asked him to dance later on. He used to be shy - what happened?
6. I worry about everything. I do mean everything. The tiniest little thing and I'm on it. Troy swears I am going to drive myself batty. I jokingly tell him that one day he's going to come home to find me stroking a My Little Pony mane (yes, I still have that darn collection) saying "nice pony" over and over.
I'm going to tag the following people. Hopefully you haven't already been tagged and if you have, consider yourself popular with the natives!!
If I have tagged you, here are the rules!
1. Link to the person that tagged you.
2. Post the rules on the blog.
3. Write six random facts about yourself.
4.Tag six people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know they have been tagged.
6. Let the taggers know when your entry is up.
These are always a fun way to get to know each other and to take a step back from posting adoption news!