After being initially shocked and then mad and then just plain sad, I emailed both of my jobs and said I was taking an impromptu vacation in September. I went home, cleared it with Troy, who also had to let both of his jobs know (obviously we are working way too much) that we are in fact going on vacation, something we missed this summer in the hopes of traveling to Russia.
So.......between last night and today I booked our vacation in St. Lucia!!! Now, Troy has never flown before so I figured why not go all out and have him fly now. Plus we will leave out of the same airport we will leave out of when we travel to Russia. So technically, we are still getting ready for the adoption—right!?!? This way we’ll know where the airport is and how to get around.
Unfortunately, I have never booked airline tickets so close to a travel date and we had a time trying to get tickets without 8 plus hours of layovers and arriving on the island before midnight so in the end we paid a little more, got decent hours, but we can’t sit next to each other on Troy’s very first flight. However, I CAN sit directly behind him and hit him over the head if I need to!!!
So, off we will go mid-September. We are staying in a sea house that overlooks Marigot Bay. They have tons of activities from day sailings to fishing excursions to snorkeling etc. Oh, I can’t wait.
Oh yeah – I did have about an hour of pure panic after booking everything about vacation days left at work (hardly any) and of course funds for the adoption (there is a reason we are each working two jobs) and I called my husband and told him I was going to go throw up. In his usual calm way, with his usual 'calm down Rachel' voice, he says, “Why are you worried about it now? It’s done, it’s paid for, there’s nothing you can do about it and either we go or we stay and I don’t know about you, but I’m going and I hope you’re coming with me.” Ahhhh, now I remember why I love this man so much!!